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Our community is blessed with a wealth of talented, enthusiastic and caring people who work very hard to make our liturgies welcoming and prayerful.  It takes many people in many different roles to accomplish the work of liturgy.  Below is a list of ministries that are offered through our parish.

If you have any questions or would like to join a ministry, please call the office at 210-434-3247.


Liturgy Committee

The liturgy is an extraordinary means of evangelizing.  The Liturgy Committee works to enrich the public prayer life of the parish as they come together in worship.  For the liturgy to be carried out properly and fruitfully, the formation of celebrants and leaders must be carefully followed.  Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Choir Directors, and Sacristans are important participants in the Liturgy.  This committee reviews how each ministry can enhance the parish worship experience.  The Liturgy Committee oversees planning and scheduling the liturgical celebrations for seasonal and special events so that every religious regulation is complied with.  This committee meets every quarter to plan all mass details of the liturgical calendar.

Committee Members:  

Fr. Fidèle Dikete, Pastor
Joan Orosco, Liturgy Coordinator


Altar Care / Linen Care

Altar care ministers are responsible for the care of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and the Sanctuary.  Linen care ministers are responsible for washing and ironing the Altar linens.

Contact: Joan Orosco  / Maria DeLos Santos

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priest at the altar during Mass.  Their service is also to the community by setting the example for others by their attitude and posture.  Altar servers are trained to serve with grace and reverence.  This ministry is open to persons from 10 years of age to adults.

Contact:  Edward "Eddie" Campa


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic serve the community by sharing the Body and Blood of Christ.  This is a ministry that Pope Paul VI called “an important office of immense love”.  It requires an understanding and revernce for the Eucharist.  Training and commissioning takes place twice a year.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10AM lectors 596


Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God during Mass and other liturgical services.  This ministry requires a strong belief in and devotion to the truth proclaimed in Scripture.  Lectors practice prior to their assigned Mass and many attend weekly bible study.  This ministry is opened to all baptized adults and teenagers. Training and commissioning takes place twice a year.

Contact: Stella Rico

Hospitality Ministers

Hospitality ministers are called to be ministers of all who come through the Church doors.  They welcome everybody, assist with seating, special needs and during the Presentation of the Gifts and Communion processions.  They also distribute bulletins and handouts.  This is an important and rewarding ministry for both adults and young people.  It is a special opportunity for families to minister together.  Training and commissioning takes place once a year.

Contact: Dolores Guardiola | Esmeralda "Ezmi" Tamez


Music is a major component of the worship experience at St. John Berchmans, and anyone who desires to participate is welcome.  There are no formal auditions, and the structure of each group is designed to make the experience as convenient and enjoyable as possible, while still effectively adminstering to the community.  Music ministers assist in leading the congregation in contemporary and classic hymns at all liturgies.

Contact persons:

5:00pm Mass John Campa
9:00 am  Roy Sanchez
11:00am Mass Javier Sauceda



Sacristans assist with the preparation of the Altar and the altar linen for Mass and the presider when needed.

Contact:  Joan Orosco


Minister Schedules (schedules will be posted soon)


Extraordinary Minisiters of the Eucharist

Altar Servers